Maintain an open channel! Warning: I promote openness. Having trust is key to productiveness and creativity that are incredibly important for development teams. Nothing invites trust more than showing full…
First8 staat voor vakmanschap. Al onze collega’s zijn een groot aanhanger van Open Source en in het bijzonder het Java-platform. Wij zijn gespecialiseerd in het pragmatisch ontwikkelen van bedrijfskritische Java toepassingen waarbij integratie van systemen, hoge eisen aan beveiliging en veel transacties een belangrijke rol spelen.
Specialist op het gebied van maatwerkapplicaties vanuit de Java & Open Source techniek.
Maintain an open channel! Warning: I promote openness. Having trust is key to productiveness and creativity that are incredibly important for development teams. Nothing invites trust more than showing full…
Maintain an open channel! Warning: I promote openness. Having trust is key to productiveness and creativity that are incredibly important for development teams. Nothing invites trust more than showing full…
The last time I blogged here about cleaner code (see link for details), I wrote about how you could make your code more testable by…
Anyone who has used Mockito for mocking and stubbing Java classes, probably is familiar with the InjectMocks-annotation. I seemed a little harsh in an article a few years back about…
You know that most of the task planners or calendar apps have features when you create a todo, task or meeting they try to be “smart” in filling in as…
TL;DR: choose either git-flow or github-flow or gitlab-flow, forking, trunk based or ‘simple’ flow? They all have pro’s and con’s. One decision a development team always faces is:…
GORM is a relational database to object mapper. To work properly it needs to know the primary key for each table. The primary key uniquely (and quickly) identifies a single…
Every developer has (or will) encountered the phenomenon called pagination. In this blog post I want to challenge you as a developer or product owner to reconsider using that pattern….
I was reading an article about property-based testing the other day. This article started with the problem that it could be difficult to test all the cases of a function…
So, we have been using pipelines-as-code in Jenkins for a while now and we generally are using scripted pipelines, Groovy scripts that run in Jenkins. Very flexible, but it is…